Winter 2013-2014: Climate Change
10 October 2013: The Age of Stupid (United Kingdom, 2009)
Discussion Partner: Franz Mauelshagen (Instistute for Advanced Studies, Essen)
28 November 2013: Thin Ice (United Kingdom and New Zealand, 2012)
Prof. Dr. Anders Levermann (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
12 December 2013: Chasing Ice (USA 2012)
Discussion Partner: Prof. Dr. Peter Lemnke (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research)
9 January 2014: There Once Was An Island (New Zealand, 2010)
Discussion Partner: Rebecca Hofmann (RCC Research Associate)
20 February 2014: Peak (Germany and Italy, 2011)
Discussion Parter: Hannes Lang (Director)