Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

“Fragments of the Forest” on Instagram

The research group of “Fragments of the Forest” has prepared an Instagram Takeover (@lmu.takeover). In the week from 15–19 July, they willl introduce themselves and their fascinating research topics around hot zones, disease ecologies, and the changing landscape of environment and health in West Africa.

Environmental Studies Certificate Program

The RCC now invites students to join the Environmental Studies Certificate Program (ESCP) in the winter semester 2024/25.

The ESCP provides students, who have an undergraduate degree and are enrolled in either a master’s or a second bachelor’s degree, with the opportunity to gain an additional interdisciplinary qualification in environmental studies. Please apply using the online application form by 8 September 2024. We look forward to welcoming you to the program!

Fifth Issue of Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review

The RCC is thrilled to share with you the fifth issue of Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review.

Join us as we journey from the cold depths of a northern German lake to the warm dunes of southern Portugal.

Find out more about this issue here.

Relaunch of Seeing the Woods

We are excited to announce the relaunch of the Rachel Carson Center Blog, Seeing the Woods. It is an outlet for everyone at the RCC, from staff and fellows to graduate and doctoral students pursuing research affiliated with the RCC.

The first blog post of the renewed Seeing the Woods is “The Wounds of War and What We Must Know” of the blog series “Russian Environmental Politics: Reading between the Lines” by Vita Lacis. Read it here.

New Virtual Exhibition: “Petra Kelly: Life and Legacy of a Transnational Green Activist”

The Environment & Society Portal team is excited to announce the release of the virtual exhibition “Petra Kelly: Life and Legacy of a Transnational Green Activist,” curated by Stephen Milder and Andreas Jünger.

The exhibition follows the life story of Petra Kelly—social activist, cofounder of the West German Green Party, and recipient of the Right Livelihood Award—considering her transnationalism and the way her visions and ideas have informed green politics. Explore the exhibition here.