Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Teaching & Graduate Programs

Doctoral Program Environment and Society

The doctoral program is aimed at graduates from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences who wish to research questions concerning the nature/culture/environment interface.

Environmental Studies Certificate Program

The certificate program is open to all Master's students, Diplom students, and those studying Lehramt and towards their Staatsexamen. The program provides students with the opportunity to gain an additional interdisciplinary qualification in environmental studies. 

Master of Arts Environment and Society

The interdisciplinary Master in Environment and Society examines current research questions and debates related to transformation processes in our environment. The disciplines involved include history, literature, art, law, anthropology, geography, and sociology. The program prepares students for a range of careers dedicated to tackling today's social and environmental challenges and for pursuing academic careers. 

International Doctorate Program "Rethinking Environment"

This program invites graduate students from all over the world and from a broad range of fields to explore the topic "Rethinking Environment: The Environmental Humanities and the Ecological Transformation of Society" in an intellectually inspiring environment that brings together international and regional expertise in collaboration with Augsburg University.

The RCC Environmental Writing Studio

The Carson Center's Environmental Writing Studio offers seminars on academic and non-academic writing with the Landhaus Writer-in-Residence and guest lecturers.

ERASMUS+ Programs

At the moment, the RCC has four Erasmus+ exchange programs with the following universities: the University of Stavanger in Norway, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria, the University of Naples Federico II in Italy, and the Ca'Foscari University of Venice in Italy.

ENHANCE Innovative Training Network

The Rachel Carson Center is participating in a new European graduate training network, the Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe (ENHANCE) Innovative Training Network (ITN). Its aim is to provide young researchers with multidisciplinary doctoral training in Environmental Humanities and prepare them for a wide variety of careers. 

University of Kansas Exchange

The KU History Department and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society have created an informal agreement for the exchange of doctoral students at the dissertation stage. The program makes it possible for students at one institution to go to the partner institution to do research, audit courses, participate in events (such as colloquia), and learn from scholars from other parts of the world.

Course Catalogues

In addition to its graduate programs, the Rachel Carson Center offers seminars, workshops, and classes to its students, community, and the general public.