Alberto Celis is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Seville, Spain, working in the ERC-funded project DEEPMED. This project focuses on understanding how natural and human timescales interact in the deep Mediterranean Sea. Combined with his environmental concerns, Alberto’s passion for history has led him to concentrate on processes related to water bodies during the Anthropocene epoch. He strongly believes in the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration and he has worked together with both geologists and hydrogeologists. Furthermore, Alberto is actively involved in the Spanish Working Group of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Program “LANGUAGE of the Anthropocene” (IGCP project 732), where he investigates Anthropocene-related questions. Currently, his research encompasses three main areas with distinct timescales: firstly, investigating the Holocene–Anthropocene transition in the upper Guadiana River in Central Spain; secondly, eyploring the historical evolution of arid Spain as both a political and environmental concept from the early Modern Age to the present day; and thirdly, studying the historical development of the Mediterranean region as a geographical concept from the beginning of the twentieth century.
RCC Research Project: Navigating Little Ice Age Droughts in the Spanish Empire (16th–18th Centuries): Political Responses and Environmental Consequences in Wetlands
Selected Publications:
- with Juan I. Santisteban, Rosa Mediavilla, Ma. José Gil-García, Blanca Ruiz-Zapata, and Silvino Castaño. “The Transition from Climate-Driven to Human-Driven Agriculture during the Little Ice Age in Central Spain: Documentary and Fluvial Records Evidence.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562 (2021): 110153.
- with Juan I. Santisteban, Rosa Mediavilla, Silvino Castaño, and Almudena de la Losa. “The Desiccation of Las Tablas de Daimiel (1750–1987): Agricultural Changes and Environmental Impact Based on Interpretation of the Sedimentary Record.” Historia Agraria, no. 71 (2017): 5–35.
- with Juan I. Santisteban, Rosa Mediavilla, Silvino Castaño, and Almudena de la Losa. “Millennial-Scale Cycles of Aridity as a Driver of Human Occupancy in Central Spain?” Quaternary International 407, Part A (2016): 96–109.