Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Daniel Lara de la Fuente

Daniel Lara de la Fuente, MA

Visiting Doctoral Candidate


Rachel Carson Center
Leopoldstr. 11a
80802 Munich

Daniel Lara de la Fuente is a PhD candidate currently working at the University of Malaga. He studied philosophy and sociology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Complutense University of Madrid, followed by an interdisciplinary master’s degree in cultural theory at the Charles III University of Madrid. His research focuses on environmental political theory, environmental politics, the ecomodernism/degrowth debate, and the philosophy of sustainable technologies. The working title of his dissertation is “Ecomodernism: Sustainability and Human Flourishing in the Anthropocene.” He has been a visiting scholar under the supervision of Jonathan Symons at the Macquarie University in Sydney and came to the RCC as a visiting doctoral candidate in September 2023.

RCC Project: Ecocentrism within Anthropocentrism: The Ecomodernist Conception of Nature

Selected Publications:

  • “El Antropoceno y las encrucijadas del ecomodernismo” [The Anthropocene and the Challenges of Ecomodernism]. In El Antropoceno: Sostenibilidad y Justicia en un Mundo Desestabilizado [The Anthropocene: Sustainability and Justice in a Destabilized World], edited by Manuel Arias-Maldonado. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch (forthcoming, 2024).
  • “Ecomodernismo: Políticas Públicas de Innovación para el Cambio Climático” [Ecomodernism: Public Policy Innovation for Climate Change]. In Implementación de Políticas Públicas Verdes [Implementation of Green Public Policies], edited by R. López and R. Aguilera México. Monterrey: Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León (forthcoming, 2023).
  • “Theory and Practice in the Environmental Political Theory.” Revista de Estudios Políticos 196 (2022): 13–37. https://doi.org/10.18042/cepc/rep.196.01.
  • “A Critical Approach to Bruno Latour’s Constructivism.” Barataria: Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales 28 (2020): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.20932/barataria.v0i28.519.