Davide Orsini holds a PhD in anthropology and history from the University of Michigan. He is an anthropologist and historian of science and technology studying the social, political, and ecological implications of nuclear power applications after WWII. Davide joins the Rachel Carson Center as a Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow. For the next two years he will work on a comparative research project on the history and socio-ecological implications of nuclear power plant decommissioning, titled “Half-lives/Afterlives: Labor, Technology, Nature, and the Nuclear Decommissioning Business (NUCLEARDECOM).” Before joining the Rachel Carson Center, Davide was an assistant professor of history at Mississippi State University (USA), where he taught STS courses.
RCC Research Project: Half-lives/Afterlives: Labor, Technology, Nature, and the Nuclear Decommissioning Business (Acronym: NUCLEARDECOM)
Selected Publications:
- The Atomic Archipelago: US Nuclear Submarines and Technopolitics of Risk in Cold War Italy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022.
- “Signs of Risk: Materiality, History, and Meaning in Cold War Controversies over Nuclear Contamination.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 63, no. 3 (July 2020): 520–550.
- “Taking Samples: An Envirotechnical Account of Radioecology in Cold War Italy.” Special issue, Annali Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico | Italienisch-Deutsches Historisches Institut ISIG/FBK 2, (2020): 153–180.
- “L’eredità di Carlo Poni ed i Punti di Contatto fra Microstoria e Science and Technology Studies (STS).” Quaderni Storici 161, no. 2 (2020): 20–29.
- “Experts at Risk: Nuclear Expertise, Military Secrets, and Radioecology in the Early 1970s around the US Navy Base of La Maddalena, Italy.” in Nuclear Portraits, edited by Laurel MacDowell, 94–120. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.