Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Wirtschaftsgeographie
LMU München
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
LMU München
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
+49 (0) 89 / 2180- 4071
Gordon Winder
Research Interests
- Economic geography and sustainability: environmental economic geography, resource management in forestry, fisheries and agriculture, biological economies, political ecology, industrial geography, sustainable business enterprises and networks
- After disaster: disaster recovery, building back better, resilience
- Making transitions: sustainability transitions, bio-economies, Blue Economy, Marine Spatial Planning, innovation for sustainability, resilience, sustainable manufacturing
- Regional specializations: Canada, Germany, New Zealand, USA
Doctoral Students Supervised
RCC, LMU Munich
- Dr. Vikas Lakhani, “Disaster Memory in Gujarat, India”
- Dr. Ruhi Deol, “Livelihoods and Risk, Andaman Islands, India”
- Arun Adhikari, “Nepalese Societies’ Recovery from the 2015 Earthquakes”
- Daniel Dumas, “From Eskimo Hunter Stamps to Beaded Identities: Cultural Representations of Indigeneity and the Environment”
- Moremi Zeil, “Enacting the River Subject: Legal Personality of the Río Atrato in Colombia”
Geography, LMU Munich
- Dr. Sahar Zavareh Hofmann, “Disaster Recovery in Urban Communities”
- Marie Aschenbrenner, “Urban Environmental Ethics in Auckland's Blue Backyard”
- Amra Bobar, “Cascade Use and Substitution of Wood, Bavaria”
- Martin Haider, “The BMW Munich Plant Upgrade”
- Kilian Hinzpeter, “Innovative Value Chains”
Geography, The University of Auckland
- Dr. Brett Christophers, “Envisioning Media Power: On Capital and Geographies of Television”
- Dr. Eugene Rees, “In What Sense a Fisheries Problem? Negotiating Sustainable Growth in New Zealand Fisheries”