Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Eva Krannich

Eva Krannich, MA

Library Associate


Rachel Carson Center
Leopoldstr. 11a, 4. OG
80802 Munich

Room: 406
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 72387

Eva Krannich obtained her BA in Anglistik/Amerkanistik from the University of Augsburg in 2019, with a minor in comparative literatures. During the course of her master’s program English and American studies, she studied abroad at the University of Vermont in the US where she started gathering ideas for papers on environmentalism and ecocriticism. In May 2022, she submitted her MA thesis titled “Environmental Catastrophes in Anglophone Climate Change Fiction” that kindled her interest in the environmental humanities. Throughout her internship at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich, she discovered her passion for working with international scholars and applying interdisciplinary approaches to environmental studies. She is currently a PhD student at the Professorship of New English Literatures and Cultures (NELK) at the University of Augsburg, working on "Magical and Mythological Water Figures in Anglophone Speculative Eco-Fiction."

Eva joined the Rachel Carson Center as an intern in September 2022 and continued working at the RCC as a library associate in January 2023.