Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Joseph Adedeji

Dr. Joseph Adedeji

Carson Fellow


Dr. Joseph Adeniran Adedeji has his core research interest in landscape hermeneutics. He joins the Rachel Carson Center from The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Nigeria where he is a senior lecturer in the Department of Architecture. He obtained Bachelor (Hons.) and Master of Technology degrees in Architecture from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, and Doctor of Philosophy degree in Architecture from FUTA. He lectured briefly at Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke (2004-2007), and LAUTECH (2007-2011) before his appointment in FUTA in 2011. A full member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) and chartered by the Architects’ Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON), he has over two decades of practical experience. His teaching, research works, and publications are situated at the intersection of spatial considerations for the comfortable use of urban open spaces, environment and behaviour, cultural morphology of cityscapes, and more intensely, landscape hermeneutics of the urban grain in an African context. Specifically, he has a passion for researching the socio-cultural aspects of ecosystem services and biocultural identity of the Yoruba nation of south-west Nigeria. His most recent project titled Bioculturalism of Yorubas: Intersection of mythology and nature for wellbeing at Osun Sacred Grove UNESCO Site, Osogbo, Nigeria is part of a bigger picture of the project Urban realities and urban nature: Facilitating processes of wellbeing and belonging within urban biocultural environments (Earthscan, forthcoming). He is a reviewer with several academic journals, including Emerald’s Management of Environmental Quality and Health Environment Research & Design, Urban Design International, Journal of Conservation Planning of the University of Florida (including an editorial board membership from 2014 to 2017), and Elsevier’s Social Science and Humanities Open, among others. He is an external examiner and Ph.D thesis assessor. He has published widely and presented research at learned conferences in Nigeria and abroad. These include IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress 2012 and 2016, and the 2nd International Workshop on Civil Engineering and Architecture, among many others. He is a research methodologist with emphasis on the mixed-method paradigm, which he teaches at a postgraduate level. His Survey research designs incorporating data dummying: The what and how of a strategy for studying environment security is a wealth of resources on research methods praxis.

RCC Research Project: African Urban Wildernesses as Cultural Entities: Bio-culturalism between the Global North and South

Selected Publications: