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Fei Sheng

Prof. Dr. Fei Sheng

Carson Fellow

Fei Sheng was a Carson Fellow from October 2012 to December 2012 and June 2013 to September 2013. 

Fei Sheng is an environmental historian and an assistant professor at the School of Asian-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China. He received his PhD in world history from Peking University (Bei Da). He visited the Australian National University for one year as an exchange student. Since 2012, Fei Sheng is helping establish the first National Center for Oceanian Studies in China. At the Rachel Carson Center, he is revising his dissertation, The Australian Victorian Gold Rushes: A Research from the Perspective of Environmental History (1851–1880). He is also focusing on a comparative study of the Chinese environment experiences spread on the Victorian and Californian goldfields. His project will show how the traditional Chinese experiences were transferred to the new continents and their local impact.

RCC Research Project: The Australian Victorian Gold Rushes: A Research from the Perspective of Environmental History (1851–1880) (pdf, 12 KB)

Film Interview with Fei Sheng

Selected Publications:

  • “The Environmental Image of the Colored People in Colonial Australia.” Academic Research 6 (2010): 115–21.
  • “The Rise and Decline of Acadian Ideology in the Early Nineteenth Century Australia.” In Asian Pacific Studies, Serial No.7, edited by Bao Maohong, 45–59. Peking: Peking University Press, 2011.
  • “Environmental Experiences of Chinese People in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Australian Gold Rush.” Global Environment: A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences 7–8 (2012): 99–127.