Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Eva Jakobsson

Prof. Dr. Eva Jakobsson

Alumni Carson Fellow

Eva Jakobsson’s research is primarily on Swedish water history, specifically the legal and political history of water. She is completing an article on ditching and drainage from a water system perspective, and is currently working on a project on the history of the Swedish Lake Vänern, called Understanding Lake Vänern. She has also published on accident investigations, and is working on a project on traffic safety, comparing traffic risk perception in post-war Norway and Sweden. Eva Jakobsson is an associate professor of history at the University of Stavanger in Norway. She received her PhD from Gothenburg University in Sweden. Her PhD thesis, Industrialization of Rivers, was a work on hydropower development. She served as Nordic Regional Representative in the European Society for Environmental History 1999–2004.

RCC Research Project: Lake Vänern: Exploring the History of Europe’s Third Largest Lake (pdf, 16 KB)

Selected Publications:

  • “The History of Flowing Water Policy in Sweden: From Natural Flow to Industrialized Rivers.” In A History of Water, Vol. 5, edited by Terje Tvedt and Richard Coopey. London: Tauris, 2010.
  • “Understanding Lake Vänern: Science History Perspectives on Sweden’s Largest Lake, 1600–1900.” In Transference: Interdisciplinary Communications 2008/2009, edited by Willy Østreng. Oslo: Centre for Advanced Study, January 2010. (Internet publication: http://www.cas.uio.no/publications_/transference.php).
  • “Narratives About the River and the Dam: Some Reflections on How Historians Perceive the Harnessed River.” In Technological Society—Multidisciplinary and Long-Time Perspectives, edited by Å. Dahlin Hauken. Seminarrapport Utstein kloster 2008. Stavanger: Haugaland Akademi, 2008.
  • “Nature and Diplomacy: The Struggle over the Scandinavian Border Rivers in 1905.” Scandinavian Journal of History 3–4 (2006): 270–89.With Roald Berg.
  • A History of Water: Water Control and River Biographies, Volume 1. London: Tauris, 2006. Edited with Terje Tvedt.