Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Victor Seow

Prof. Dr. Victor Seow

Carson Fellow

Victor Seow is Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese History at Cornell University. His broad interests include energy, science and technology, the environment, industry, labor, and state power. At the Carson Center he is working on his first book Carbon Technocracy: East Asian Energy Regimes and the Industrial Modern, 1900–1957, a history of fossil fuels and the rise of technocratic regimes in early twentieth-century China and Japan. Victor received his BA from McGill University in 2006 and his PhD from Harvard University in 2014.

RCC Research Project: Carbon Technocracy: East Asian Energy Regimes and the Industrial Modern, 1900–1957

Lunchtime Colloquium Video - Carbon Technocracy: East Asian Energy Regimes

Selected Publications:

  • "Socialist Drive: The First Auto Works and the Contradictions of Connectivity in the Early People's Republic of China." In "Histories of Transport, Mobility and Environment." Special Issue, Journal of Transport History 35, no. 2 (2014): 145–61.
  • "Fuels and Flows: Rethinking Histories of Transportation and Mobility through Energy." Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 4, no. 3 (2014): 112–16.