Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Satoshi Murayama

Prof. Dr. Satoshi Murayama

Satoshi Murayama is a professor of socio-economic history at Kagawa University, Japan. His research fields are family history, historical demography, and environmental history with a particular interest in social and human capital management in early modern Germany and Japan. He comparatively investigates historical materials such as population registers that had great diversity regionally in early modern times. He received his Dr. phil. from Justus Liebig University Gießen in 1990. He worked at Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen, and Institut für Physische Geographie, Freiburg, as a guest researcher, and gave as a visiting professor lecture and seminar about the history of the family at Freie Universität Berlin from 2002 to 2003. At the Rachel Carson Center for Environmental Studies, he will be working on "industriousness" relating to regional diversity of agricultural constraints and disaster management in global perspectives.

RCC Research Project: Industrious Revolution and Disaster Management in Japan (pdf, 62 KB)

Lunchtime Colloquium Video - Changing Attitudes Towards Nature: Japan and the West

Selected Publications

  • Konfession und Gesellschaft in einem Gewerbezentrum des frühneuzeitlichen Deutschland: Das Wuppertal (Elberfeld-Barmen) von 1650 bis 1820. Tokyo: Keio Tsushin, 1990.
  • “Regional Standardization in the Age at Marriage: A Comparative Study of Pre-Industrial Germany and Japan.” The History of the Family: An International Quarterly 6, no. 2 (2001): 303–24.
  • “Seashore Villages in Amakusa: Takahama and Sakitsu; A Comparative Study of Population Registers and Disaster Management in the 19th Century, Kyushu, Japan.” Populazione e Storia 13, no. 1 (2012): 9–28. (Co-authored with Noboru Higashi)