Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Peter Boomgaard

Prof. Dr. Peter Boomgaard

Carson Fellow

Peter Boomgaard was trained as an economic and social historian and obtained his PhD from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam in 1987. He is Senior Researcher at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Leiden, and Professor (Emeritus) of Economic and Environmental History of Southeast Asia at the University of Amsterdam.

RCC Research Project: The Transformation of Landscapes, Humans, and Animals: A Systems Approach (PDF, 11kb)

Film Interview with Peter Boomgaard

Selected Publications:

  • Children of the Colonial State: Population Growth and Economic Development in Java, 1795–1880. Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1989.
  • Frontiers of Fear: Tigers and People in the Malay World, 1600–1950. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2001.
  • Southeast Asia: An Environmental History. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2007.
  • Globalization, Environmental Change, and Social History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Edited with Marjolein C 't Hart.
  • Long-Term Changes in Land-Tenure Arrangements in Pre-Modern and Early-Modern Southeast Asia, Special Issue of Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 54, no. 4, (2011): 447–519.