Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Munich University Days: Come Play...!


29.03.2023 14:00  – 18:00 

Location: pyramid hall, Karlstr. 32, 80333 Munich

Organizers: BenE München e.V., Katholische Hochschulgemeinde der TU München (KHG TUM), Hochschultage, Rachel Carson Center, Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Verein für Nachhaltigkeit e.V., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU), Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München (HM), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Global Marshall Plan, Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW/n), Doktoranden-Netzwerk Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften e.V. (DNW)

Multi-crises, a pile of problems, everything is interdiciplinary and complex, and WE are right in the middle. How can we master our lives in a world like this?

Systematic thinking is considered the key competence of the 21st century and we think everyone can develop this competence in a playful way. At the event, we will introduce you to systematic games. You can learn about them, try them out, and discuss them.

You can register for game workshops as a group or as an individual. Just come along and “save the world by playing games.”

You can find more information on the website of the Hochschultage (in German).
