Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Multiple Diversities: A Day at the Rachel Carson Center Landhaus



Location: Hermannsdorfer Landwerkstätten, Herrmannsdorf 7, 85625 Glonn, Germany

This one-day excursion will introduce interested students and researchers to the interdisciplinary research community of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (LMU) at the RCC Landhaus. 

A bus will take the group to Hermannsdorfer Landwerkstätten, an ecofarm in Glonn, Upper Bavaria. Dr. Alessandro Rippa, VW Freigeist Fellow and PI of “Environing Infrastructures: Communities, Ecologies, and China’s ‘Green’ Development in Contemporary Southeast Asia,” environmental historian Andreas Jünger (RCC), and Karl Schweisfurth (Hermannsdorf), who is a pioneer in ecological farming, will introduce the group to aspects of diversity in farming.

Additionally, participants will get the chance to discuss research with a group of international RCC Landhaus fellows.

The bus is scheduled to leave Munich at around 9:30 and return to Munich at 17:30. Please see the full program for details. 

Register via this link: https://bit.ly/39zAqiX.
