Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Andreas Etges on "Never Waste a Good Crisis? Pandemic Preparedness and Presidential Crisis Management"

Online Lecture Series “Pandemics in American History and Culture”

14.01.2021 16:15  – 17:45 

Andreas Etges (LMU/Amerika-Institut) will present on "Never Waste a Good Crisis? Pandemic Preparedness and Presidential Crisis Management."

This lecture takes a comparative look at pandemic preparedness and presidential crisis management regarding pandemics. How well had past administrations prepared the United States and to what degree is failed presidential leadership to blame for the extent of the current pandemic? Would a different type of crisis management have secured Donald Trump's reelection? Major crises also offer the chance for major reforms. What lessons for presidential crisis management might be learned so that this crisis is not "wasted"?

This lecture series will put the current COVID-19 pandemic in historical perspective by looking at past outbreaks of such devastating diseases as the bubonic plague, cholera, polio, HIV/AIDS, and others. Faculty of the Amerika-Institut and guest speakers will scrutinize the public health system of the United States, the impact of and the debates surrounding the politics of vaccinations, the social and cultural significance of quarantines and the unequal distribution of pain and death.

Please note: this lecture class will be held online (via Zoom). Please click here to register for all or selected talks

For more information on the lecture series, please click here.