Unsere Gesellschaft und Ihr Abfall / Our Society and Its Waste
Opening Event of the 6th Münchner Hochschultage
25.11.2014 19:00 – 21:30
Location: Technische Universität München, Arcisstraße 21, Room 2750
Speakers: Günther Dehoust (Institute for Applied Ecology), Sabine Flamme (Münster University of Applied Sciences), Romona Mayr (LMU Munich, Master's Student), Axel Markwardt (Factory Manager, AWM - Munich Waste Managment), and Simone Müller-Pohl (University of Freiburg)
Moderator: Christof Mauch (Rachel Carson Center)
Conveners: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Forum für ökologisch-soziale Marktwirtschaft, and BenE München
In the past, waste has been understood as an unavoidable technical output that must be managed and disposed of. In light of the ecological and social crises threatening our planet, the discourse around waste is changing. Waste has been recognized as a complex phenomenon that can only be fully understood by exploring cultural perceptions and social practices alongside technical strategies. Kicking off the 6th Münchner Hochschultage on Planet Waste—Our Legacy, representatives from academia, politics, and civil society will discuss waste's roll in our society and the possibilities for addressing this problem.
This is the one of numerous events that will focus on waste over the next week as part of the 6th Münchner Hochschultage. For more information about additional events, please go to this website or download the flyer (PDF, 2,258 KB).
All events will be held in German.