Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Klaus Töpfer on “The Blue Sky over the Ruhr and the Ecological Challenges of the German Reunification: Key Drivers of a Committed Environmental Policy”

Keynote Lecture of “Global Green Germany” Workshop

13.05.2024 19:00  – 20:30 

“Der blaue Himmel über der Ruhr und die ökologischen Herausforderungen der Wiedervereinigung: Zentrale Antriebskräfte einer engagierten Umweltpolitik”

Location: Seidlvilla, Nikolaiplatz 1b, 80802 München

Former German Minister of the Environment and former Director of the UN Environment Program (UNEP) Klaus Töpfer will join the ongoing workshop “Global Green Germany” at Seidlvilla and talk about the ecological challenges of the German reunification and what make the central aspects of a commited environmental policy.

The lecture will be held in German, but questions may be asked in either German or English.

Please note: The keynote lecture is open to everyone, not only to attendees of the workshop. We kindly ask you to register for the keynote by sending an email to Stephen Milder at stephen.milder@rcc.lmu.de.

About the Workshop:

Taking an historical approach, and drawing on developments and case studies from both Cold War Germanys, as well as the Berlin Republic, this workshop is dedicated to better understanding the historical development, but also the ramifications and contradictions of Germany’s purported role as a “Green Superpower.” It is intended to explore the realities of German environmental engagement, but also to analyze the ways in which this engagement has been perceived, focusing on how Germany’s green reputation evolved over the past half century and looking into how and why it has deteriorated over the past decade.

“Global Green Germany” is supported by the RCC, the LMU-NYU Research Cooperation Program, and “Making Green Germany” (DFG project no. 423371999).


Participation is by registration only. Please contact Stephen Milder, stephen.milder@rcc.lmu.de, in order to register.