Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Doctoral Summer Workshop on Natural Hazards and Disasters


27.05.2010 – 29.05.2010

Location: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich

: Uwe Lübken (RCC), Franz Mauelshagen (KWI), Franziska Torma (RCC)

This workshop, titled ''The History of Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters,'' offered young scholars the opportunity to present their work to their peers and to distinguished scholars. Members of the Rachel Carson Center's Natural Hazards Study Group participatedin the discussion and offered their advice.

Program (pdf, 504 KB)

Report (pdf, 151 KB)

Participants at Opening Reception

Participants during the opening reception

Participants Discuss a Paper

Jana Sprenger (Göttingen) and Patrick Masius (Göttingen) listenting to the presentation
of KWI-Members Karin Schürmann, Gitte Cullmann, Ingo Haltermann and Maike Böcker

Uwe Lübken manages the discussion

Carson Fellow Uwe Lübken managing one of the many lively discussions. Pictured to his
left, Franziska Torma (RCC), Rebecca Knapp (Bochum), Arne Harms (Berlin) and
Michael Zeheter (Konstanz).

Conveners Mauelshagen, Lübken, Torma

The workshop conveners Franz Mauelshagen (KWI), Uwe Lübken (RCC) and
Franziska Torma (RCC)

Participants debate ideas

The contributors during the conference opening panel

Papers (for participants only, secured by password):