Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Anja Wegner on “Interspecies Co-Creation: A Story of a Fish-Human Conversation”

Lunchtime Colloquium

11.01.2024 12:30  – 13:45 

Please note that the location has changed due to the train strike!

Location: conference room, fourth floor, Rachel Carson Center; online on Zoom (link below)

Anja Wegner (Max Planck Institute for Animal Behaviour, Germany) will present on “Interspecies Co-Creation: A Story of a Fish-Human Conversation.”

The Lunchtime Colloquium is free and open to the public. The talk starts at 12:30, but feel free to come at 12, bring a lunch, and socialize.

For more information on the Lunchtime Colloquium series, please click here.

Please note: The talk will be recorded for the public representation of the Rachel Carson Center and made available on the RCC's YouTube channel. By attending the event, participants consent to being filmed or photographed.


To join the meeting virtually, please follow this link: https://lmu-munich.zoom-x.de/j/61081419661?pwd=dGlpNGZ4d3U0VnJQN2pFeFhEM3Ardz09