Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Film Screening + Discussion: Piripkura

Green Vision Film Series

20.02.2024 18:30  – 21:00 

Location: Einstein 28, Bildungszentrum der MVHS, Einsteinstr. 28, 81675 Munich 

Director: Renata Terra, Bruno Jorge & Mariana Oliva / Brazil (2018), 81min, OmdU

The Amazon region is being violently destroyed by progressive, uncontrolled deforestation. In order to protect the rainforest territory of the Piripkura indigenous people, Jair Candor, coordinator of the Brazilian government's indigenous affairs department, the National Indigenous People Foundation (FUNAI), must prove that the last two surviving men of the tribe still exist. Together with a film crew and Rita, the last remaining relative of the two, Jair travels into the heart of the rainforest to search for Pakyî and Tamandua.

A discussion with Biancka Arruda Miranda (Kooperation Brasilien e.V.) will follow the screening.

The original version of the film will be shown with German subtitles. The discussion will be held in German.

Free and open to the public.


Reservation required: Please call 089 / 48 00 66-239 or register online.

About Green Visions Film Series

The Green Visions film series presents environmental documentaries from around the world, including discussions with directors, environmental experts, or film critics. The series is a cooperation between the Rachel Carson Center, DOK.fest München, and the Münchner Volkshochschule.