Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Tuesday Discussion with Nadja Hempel and Barbara Lersch (Hans Sauer Stiftung)

09.05.2023 16:30  – 17:45 

Location: Rachel Carson Center, Conference Room (4th floor), Leopoldstr. 11a, 80802 Munich, Germany

This week, sustainability scientist Nadja Hempel and cultural manager Barbara Lersch give insights into their work at the Hans Sauer Foundation on the topic of circular society. What is this concept about and what is the difference between a circular society, a circular economy, and a zero-waste city? Nadja Hempel and Barbara Lersch will discuss concrete projects in Munich and tell us more about circular society, which follows the approach "make loops not lines."

The Tuesday Discussions are free and open to the public.

For more information on the Tuesday Discussions series, please click here.