Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Tuesday Discussion/Vernissage with Oliver Szasz (Symbio(s)cene)

25.04.2023 16:30  – 17:45 

Location: Katholische Hochschulgemeinde, Leopoldstr. 11, 1. OG Saal

Please note that the Tuesday Discussion takes place at a different location than usual (see location above).

This Tuesday Discussion, Oliver Szasz, the founder of Symbio(s)cene, will open the exhibition “People—Nature—Future,” which is curated and organized by Symbio(s)cene and realized in collaboration with the RCC. His colleagues and co-founders, curator Ingrid Rügemer and biologist Dr. Tina Heger, will also join the discussion. Oliver will introduce artistic approaches and narratives of alternative futures through the award-winning photographic works of the Norwegian-Finnish artist duo Karoline Hjorth and Riitta lkonen.

The exhibition is based on the art project “Eyes as Big as Plates,” which has been ongoing since 2011. The project explores the relationship between people and nature around the globe. The portrait series shows individuals wrapped in artistic sculptures made from elements of the environment with nature serving both as content and context.

The Tuesday Discussions are free and open to the public.

For more information on the Tuesday Discussions series, please click here.

exhibition kath. Saal
