Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Sonja Dümpelmann on “Sustainability Goals at Risk: How Can We Change Course?”

FokusLMU Lecture Series

14.11.2023 19:00  – 20:30 

Location: Great Aula in the LMU main building and online

Presenters: Prof. Dr. Sonja Dümpelmann, Prof. Dr. Katja Radon, and Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold

Host: Prof. Dr. Oliver Jahraus

Prof. Dr. Sonja Dümpelmann takes part in the FokusLMU lecture series together with Prof. Dr. Katja Radon, and Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold. The event is titled “Sustainability Goals at Risk: How Can We Change Course?” and will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Oliver Jahraus.