Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Film Screening + Discussion: The Norwegian Headache

Green Vision Film Series

12.12.2023 18:30  – 21:00 

Location: Einstein 28, Bildungszentrum der MVHS, Einsteinstr. 28, 81675 Munich 

Director: Rune Denstad Lango / Norway (2021), 58 min, OmeU

Norway is one of the largest exporters of oil and gas in the world, which has made it one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. Norway is also geographically located in the Arctic, the part of the planet that’s heating most rapidly. In the Norwegian Constitution, there is an article that speaks for future generations. Article 112 gives all unborn Norwegians the right to a clean environment, and now it has been tested in the Norwegian Supreme Court for the first time in history. At stake in the Supreme Court are more than 250.000 jobs, a sovereign wealth fund worth a trillion dollars, and a standard of living unparalleled in history. At stake are also the air we breathe, wildlife, the ocean, our children, and the future of coming generations. On behalf of 5 million oil wealthy Norwegians, the attorney general leads the case against the environmentalist who seeks to stop the Norwegian oil adventure.

A discussion with Dr Katie Ritson (Rachel Carson Center) will follow the screening.

The original version of the film will be shown with English subtitles. The discussion will be held in German.

Free and open to the public.


Reservation required: Please call 089 / 48 00 66-239 or register online.

About Green Visions Film Series

The Green Visions film series presents environmental documentaries from around the world, including discussions with directors, environmental experts, or film critics. The series is a cooperation between the Rachel Carson Center, DOK.fest München, and the Münchner Volkshochschule.