Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Cloud Forests, Rivers, and Monkeys before the Constitutional Court

Presentation and Discussion

16.11.2023 19:00  – 21:00 

Nebelwälder, Flüsse und Affen vor dem Verfassungsgericht

Language: German

Location: Kleiner Saal 211+212, EineWeltHaus Munich, Schwanthalerstr. 80, 80336 Munich

Presenter: Lena Köhn

Dissertation TitleRechte der Natur in der ecuadorianischen Verfassung—eine Alternative für das deutsche Grundgesetz?

This is a German-language presentation based on the disseration by Lena Köhn, doctoral candidate at the chair of public law and administrative sciences of the LMU. The dissertation asks whether Germany can learn from the Equadorian consitution and if it could offer an alternative for the German constitution.

You can find more information on the event here (in German).