Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Tuesday Discussion with Joella Korczak and Charlotte Prelorentzos (Holy Tisch, Munich)

05.07.2022 16:15  – 17:15 

Location: Rachel Carson Center, Conference Room (4th floor), Leopoldstr. 11a, 80802 Munich, Germany

This week’s Tuesday Discussion is with anthropologist Joella Korczak and agroecologist Charlotte Prelorentzos, who will introduce us to Holy Tisch, a Munich-based food sustainability network. Their annual conventions bring together people who are driving the shift toward regenerative agriculture. The focus of their "Future Food Convention 2022" will be on food commons to promote and support regional food initiatives.

The Tuesday Discussions are free and open to the public.

For more information on the Tuesday Discussions series, please click here.