Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Péter Makai on “Playing with Blue Marbles: How Computer and Board Games Mediate Climate Change”

Lunchtime Colloquium

19.05.2022 12:00  – 13:45 

Location: Katholische Hochschulgemeinde, Leopoldstr. 11, 1. OG Saal

Péter Makai (Rachel Carson Center, Germany) will present on “Playing with Blue Marbles: How Computer and Board Games Mediate Climate Change.”

The Lunchtime Colloquium is free and open to the public. We meet for a “bring your own” lunch at 12:00 (drinks provided, please bring a cup or mug if possible). The lecture starts at 12:30. Please note that the Lunchtime Colloquium talks are subject to the current “3G” rules in Bavaria. 


Anyone who attends will need to show one of the following:

  • a vaccine ID indicating status as fully vaccinated
  • a positive PCR test not older than 6 months
  • a negative Antigen test (not older than 24 hours) or a negative PCR test (not older than 48 hours)

For more information on the Lunchtime Colloquium series, please click here.

Please note: The talk will be recorded for the public representation of the Rachel Carson Center and made available on the RCC's YouTube channel. By attending the event, participants consent to being filmed or photographed.