Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Naomi Oreskes on “The Magic of the Marketplace: The True History of a False Idea”



Time: 23 June 2022, 18:00

Location: Nikolaiplatz 1B, Seidlvilla

In this talk, Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University) will present on "The Magic of the Marketplace: The True History of a False Idea." The presentation concerns an upcoming book project written together with Erik Conway, in which claims about the market's ability to solve problems are critically scrutinized.

The event is hosted as a part of the DFG-funded workshop "Ökonomisierung der Wissenschaft?" and is organized by the Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich, and Kooperation und Konkurrenz in den Wissenschaften.

Register by sending an email to michael.marczynski@campus.lmu.de

Please find the poster for the event here.