Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban

Urban Environments Initiative Conference

30.06.2021 at 14:30  – 02.07.2021 at 18:15 

Conveners: Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr and Prof. Regine Keller

The Urban Environments Initiative (UEI) is welcoming a variety of submissions for its online conference “Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban.”

Over the past two years, the UEI has brought together scholars from a variety of international institutions to critically engage and exchange expertise on various aspects of the urban, and this from a variety of disciplinary viewpoints.

For the first time, we will be holding a conference that will have UEI members present their work while inviting external participants to join and present their work as well. The three-day conference will be held via Zoom from 30 June to 2 July and will run from 13:00–18:00 (CET) each day.

The conference is organized around three themes that focus on different aspects of “Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban”:

Theme 1 Whose Urban “Nature”?
The Politics of Aesthetics, Urban Ecologies, the Unintended and the Unwanted

Theme 2 Making Urban Environments
Planning, Agents, Voices, and Absences/Gaps, Livelihoods and Extinction, Power, In-/justice

Theme 3 Openness to/or Foreclosure of Futures
The Ethics and Politics of Expectation and Modulation


The conference is open to the public. To attend, please register here

For a detailed program of the conference, visit here