Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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City Environments Around the Globe

Workshop - Abu Dhabi, UAE

10.02.2019 – 11.02.2019

The Rachel Carson Center (RCC) of LMU and New York University (NYU New York and NYU Abu Dhabi) are pleased to announce the launch of ''City Environments around the Globe,'' a multidisciplinary research, teaching and exchange project that aims to bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU Munich) and New York University (NY and AD).

The project uses Munich, New York City, and Abu Dhabi as initial templates for an understanding of global urban spaces. At NYU Abu Dhabi, the workshops will be organized under the auspice of the eARThumanites. Focusing on an understanding of urban environments over time, the project and workshops aim to explore and illuminate urban issues and challenges in a comparative, transnational and global framework, drawing on expertise from a range of disciplines.

Abu Dhabi, envisioned as a city of the future, presents an important case study for key questions related to the future of an energy, water, biodiversity and food nexus. This intensive workshop-style seminar will bring together faculty, students, artists, activists, and professionals for a field-based examination of Abu Dhabi’s environment that will create a platform for interdisciplinary, integrated learning and bridge scholarly questions and approaches across generations and areas of expertise.

Workshop sessions take place in A6-006 on February 10 from 4:15-5:45. At 6:00 pm Professor Harvey Molotch will present his new book The New Arab Urban in room C3-006 (Arts Center). At 7:30 we will gather at the opening of the art exhibition “Quasibotanics: Painting as Landscape Ritual” featuring the works of Charles Geiger. On February 11 workshop sessions will take place from 9:15-12:30 pm.

Read the workshop report here