Bruno Latour on "From the Anthropocene to the New Climatic Regime"
Lunchtime Colloquium
08.12.2016 12:00 – 14:00
Location: Theater Leo17, Leopoldstraße 17, 80802 München
Bruno Latour will present on "From the Anthropocene to the New Climatic Regime."
The Lunchtime Colloquium is free and open to the public. Please note the change of venue for this event only. The talk is part of the 10th Munich Hochschultage on sustainability and human rights.
Snacks are served at 12:00; the lecture starts at 12:30.
For more information on the Lunchtime Colloquium series, please click here.
Please note: The talk will be recorded for the public representation of the Rachel Carson Center and made available on the RCC's YouTube channel. By attending the event, participants consent to being filmed or photographed.