Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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New Environmental Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean


13.10.2014 – 14.10.2014

On October 13th and 14th the thirteen authors of the RCC Perspectives issue "New Environmental Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean" (2013/7) will meet in Chascomús, Argentina, where they will discuss the drafts of the chapters for a book project. The pieces in the RCC Perspectives issue served as proposals for the book chapters, which cover a variety of topics during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Some look at countries and regions, such as Brazil and the Andes, and others at traverse histories, such as cattle ranching and science. The authors include both Latin and North Americans, and are among the best known scholars working on environmental history of this world region.

Click here to see the program (Spanish, PDF, 68 KB).

Click here to read the conference report (PDF, 692 Kb).