Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Workshop: One Concept of Environmental Migration?

Bridging Disciplinary Approaches within the Humanities


On 25 August, the Climates of Migration research project will host the workshop 'One Concept of Environmental Migration? Bridging Disciplinary Approaches within the Humanities,' which will take place at the RCC. This one day workshop aims to look at the intersections between environmental change and human mobility from an explicitly interdisciplinary perspective within the field of humanities.

As it is designed as an in-depth and interdisciplinary discussion rather than a combination of individual presentations, approximately 12–14 scholars from different disciplines were asked to ponder and reflect on four guiding questions from the perspective of their respective field(s) and to prepare a short written response to be pre-circulated.

The workshop is part of the post conference programme of the bi-annual meeting of the European Society of Environmental History (ESEH), and is generously funded by COST—the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.