Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Global Environments Summer Academy 2012

Socio-ecological Interactions in a Dynamic World, Munich International Summer University

06.08.2012 – 24.08.2012

Location: Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft e.V., Munich

The Rachel Carson Center and the Global Diversity Foundation announce GESA 2012: the second Global Environments Summer Academy on Socio-ecological Interactions in a Dynamic World, to be held as part of the Munich International Summer University (MISU) in August 2012. The Academy is designed to broaden and deepen the knowledge, networking, and communication skills of postgraduate students and professionals who are concerned about human dimensions of environmental challenges.

GESA is part of the Munich International Summer University and is linked to the Biocultural Diversity Learning Network. The course is coordinated by Carson Fellow Gary Martin and RCC Director Christof Mauch; Carson Fellows and RCC staff also serve as guest lecturers for the academy.

Global Environments Course Website