Film Screening + Discussion - Yellow Cake: Die Lüge von der Sauberen Energie
Green Visions Film Series
09.11.2011 at 20:00
Location: Vortragssaal der Bibliothek, Gasteig, Rosenheimerstr. 5, Munich
Film Screening and Discussion with Joachim Tschirner (Director of the Film)
Germany 2010, 108 min.
For over sixty-five years now, the uranium mining industry has existed as part of a network of secrecy and lies. Even in recent debates about nuclear energy, the grave consequences of uranium mining play no role. The film takes its audience on a journey across the former East German uranium provinces of Thuringia and Saxony as well as through uranium mines in Namibia, Australia, and Canada.
A discussion in German with the film's director, Joachim Tschirner, will take place following the film.
The event is free and open to the public. Reservations can be made under 089/ 93 94 89 60.
The Green Visions film series is a cooperative project between the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ecomove International, the Ökologisches Bildungszentrum, and the Münchner Volkshochschule. The series is being curated by former Carson Fellow and RCC Associate Alexa Weik von Mossner.