Film Screening + Discussion: Who Killed the Electric Car?
Green Visions Film Series
12.10.2011 at 20:00
Location: Vortragssaal der Bibliothek, Gasteig, Rosenheimerstr. 5, Munich
Film Screening and Discussion with Prof. Gernot Spiegelberg (Director of Electromobility at Siemens)
USA 2006, Chris Paine, 92 min.
English original, German subtitles
The first film in the Green Visions Film Series, Who Killed the Electric Car?, shows the development and introduction of the electric car in the United States in the 1990s, as well as its subsequent withdrawal from the market and destruction. The film focuses on the history of General Motors’ EV1, of which today, only three cars exist.
A discussion in German with Prof. Gernot Spiegelberg, the director of Electromobility at Siemens, will take place following the film.
The event is free and open to the public. Reservations can be made under 089/ 93 94 89 60.
The Green Visions film series is a cooperative project between the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ecomove International, the Ökologisches Bildungszentrum, and the Münchner Volkshochschule. The series is being curated by former Carson Fellow and RCC Associate Alexa Weik von Mossner.
Film Series Flyer - German (pdf, 372 KB)