Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Film, Disaster, and the Social



Location: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

: Agnes Kneitz (RCC)

Sponsor: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE), Indiana University

A group organized by the Rachel Carson Center will hold a panel at ASLE 2011 Conference: "Species, Space, and the Imagination of the Global."

Panel presentations:

  • Neil Narine (University of Toronto-Mississauga)
    "Global Trauma, Contagion, and Connectedness: Walled Communities of Isolation as a Neoliberal Dream"
  • Alexa Weik von Mossner (RCC / University of Fribourg)
    "The End of the World as We Knew It: Framing the World Risk Society"
  • Agnes Kneitz, (RCC)
    "Bioroids and Geostigma: Societal Amendment in Japanese Animated Films"