RCC Alumni Collaborations in 2017
In May 2017, James Rice and Anya Zilberstein participated in a workshop on "Early American Environmental Histories," sponsored and organized by the William and Mary Quarterly and the Early Modern Studies Institute at the University of Southern California, and hosted by the Huntington Library.
Amy Hay and Lisa Sideris have co-authored a forthcoming Oxford Bibliography on "Rachel Carson" (Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science), which will be accessible online.
Erika Bsumek and John Barry have started a crowd sourced syllabus following the workshop “Radical Hope” (July 2017), which they organized together with RCC’s Christof Mauch. Participants of the workshop have been asked to define radical hope and describe how they envision it emerging in their area or discipline. They can upload the 7–10 most relevant readings, videos, movies, artworks etc. to the site. It is hoped that this syllabus will be released online in the New Year. A future issue of Perspectives, including contributions from workshop participants, is also in the works.
Alan MacEachern has written a blogpost for NiCHE based on a visit to China, during which time he was hosted and guided by alumna Zhen Wang. With reflections on the rapid transformations he observed there, his piece “A Postcard from China” raises questions about the implication of China’s new development in the context of the Anthropocene, culture, and hope.
In October 2017, several RCC alumni participated in the third SOLCHA (Latin American and Caribbean Society of Environmental History) postgraduate school field trip, held at the University Center of Anápolis (UniEVANGÉLICA), Goiás (Brazil). The trip involved several hikes and rich discussions. Attendant RCCers included Claudia Leal, José-Augusto Pádua, Lise Sedrez, and Adrián Gustavo Zarrilli.
Participants of SOLCHA's third postgraduate school field trip, Goiás (Brazil, 2017)
6. Amy Hay invited Sherry Johnson to speak at Behemoth of a Storm: Hurricane Beulah and the Rio Grande Valley 50th Anniversary Commemoration, held at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in September 2017. Johnson gave a talk entitled, ''Behemoths Over Time: Hurricanes, Climate Change and Their Contribution to History Over Time.'' She also participated on a roundtable with Drs. Walter Diaz (Political Science & Dean, College of Liberal Arts); Diana Noreen Rivera (Literature & Cultural Studies); Juan Gonzalez (Geology); and Mr. Gilberto Perez, conjunto legend. (Mr. Perez also performed his corrido, "Las Crescientes De Beulah," written in the aftermath of the storm.)