Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Paul Erker

Prof. Dr. Paul Erker

Research Fellow, 2009 - 2013

Paul Erker joined the Rachel Carson Center in 2009. He is currently working on an environmental study of asbestos as a societal history of risk in international perspective. He studied history in Munich. His research focuses on the social and economic history of the nineteenth and twentieth century with a special interest in business history. He was assistant professor at the Free University in Berlin and in 1999/2000 guest professor at the Humboldt University, also in Berlin. Since 2004 he has worked on several projects in the history of technology and science at the research department of the Deutsches Museum, Munich. Paul Erker teaches as professor at the University of Munich.

Current Research Project: Asbestos: An International Study of Risk and Society (pdf, 14 KB).