Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Kristin v. Heyking

Kristin v. Heyking, Dipl.-Biol.


RCC Research Associate, October 2009 - June 2010

Kristin v. Heyking studied biology at LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, LMU) majoring in anthropology and human genetics, with additional studies in zoology, neurobiology, pharmacology, and toxicology. She received her diploma from LMU in 2006. She has worked part-time as a laboratory supervisor with main duties and responsibilities in the fields of stable isotope analysis (primarily light elements C, N and O in bone collagen and structural carbonate, heavy element Sr), histology, x-ray, and amino acid analysis (HPLC). Moreover, her professional experience includes a teaching assistantship in basic and advanced courses in human osteology. She has spent time in Zurich examining the skeletal material of a palaeopathological reference collection. She is currently involved in the ongoing international project, “A Global History of Health,” which deals with the morphological examination of skeletons from various museum series, as well as with the translation of osteological information into a code for the input into the Ohio State University database.

RCC Research Project: Anthropology of an Early Urban Disadvantaged Group: Morphological and Archaeometric Investigation of the Skeletal Remains from a Late Medieval Poorhouse Cemetery in Regensburg (pdf, 17 KB).