Success in ''EU Horizon 2020 - Research Programme''
New Innovative Training Network Funded
The RCC will receive funding from the European Commission as part of their Horizon 2020 initiative for a new Innovative Training Network entitled “Building Resourceful and Resilient Communities through Adaptive and Transformative Environmental Practice (RECOMS).”
LMU is one of five European universities (the others are located in Austria, England, Finland, and the Netherlands) that will be involved in this project. Alex Franklin of Coventry University will serve as head of the overall project. RCC director Christof Mauch will lead the LMU project on “Community Transformation and Ecological Restoration in Portland, Oregon and Munich, Bavaria.” Furthermore, LMU geographer Henrike Rau will serve as a project team member and co-supervisor, and two Bavarian organizations—Green City Projekt, Munich and the Bavarian Forest National Park—will serve as Partner Organizations. The project is scheduled to start in 2018 and will run for 36 months.