RCC Fellows Sarah Strauss and Carrick Eggleston to Give Keynote
The Amerika-Intitut’s Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Research
07.04.2016 – 09.04.2016
RCC fellows Sarah Strauss and Carrick Eggleston will give the keynote address at the Interdisciplinary Research conference on Thursday, 7. April 2016 at LMU's Amerika-Insitut. They will be focusing on “Interdisciplinary in the Anthropocene: Energy, Climate, Culture.”
How does a cultural anthropologist collaborate with an environmental geochemist to study the Energy/Climate/Culture nexus? There are no simple answers, but we suggest some general approaches to bridging boundaries and facilitating new ways of thinking. Often, our long-standing disciplinary "silos" constrain the options for thinking about and enacting solutions to the “wicked” problems of the Anthropocene, and we need fresh and cross-cutting tools to make progress.
Elena Torres Ruiz, member of the RCC doctoral program, also helped to organize the event. The conference papers cover a broad range of subjects including American history, Japanese studies, music science and informatics. The keynote address will be in English and most of the other papers presented in German. All interested students are welcome. For more information, see the conference program.