Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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The Growth of Trees: Christof Mauch on Sustainability in History

German and English Versions of Mauch Lecture Available Online


A year ago, in June 2013, RCC Director Christof Mauch was invited to deliver the annual Carl von Carlowitz lecture at Freiberg in Saxony. This keynote address, named after the seventeenth-century German advocate of sustainable forest management, takes place at the annual conference of the German Council for Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung), and each year a prominent guest speaker is invited to talk on a different aspect of sustainability. Christof Mauch spoke about the history of sustainability and on the role played by Carl von Carlowitz in the context of historical ideas about resource management and risk. The address has been published in its original German by Oekom Verlag and is available for download here. An English translation of the essay by RCC Managing Editor Katie Ritson, the result of a cooperation between the German Council for Sustainable Development and the RCC, has just been published - please click here to download a copy.