Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Lijuan Klassen

Lijuan Klassen, MA

Project-Affiliated Doctoral Candidate


Room: 230

Lijuan Klassen holds a BA in political sciences and philosophy from University College Maastricht, Netherlands, and a research master in cultural analysis from the University of Amsterdam. In her MA thesis, she explored the ecological and historical entanglements of camouflage. Before starting her PhD, she worked as a project assistant at de Appel, Amsterdam, and at Gropius Bau in Berlin.

Currently, she is a doctoral researcher at the Rachel Carson Center and the Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL). Her dissertation is an analysis of the subject of planetary health from an environmental humanities perspective. Drawing on critical theory, political ecology, and philosophy, her research explores how current and historical representations of planetary health have shaped public and scientific understandings of the concept. She asks what presuppositions these representations are based on, how they can enable a new perspective on well-being on a planetary scale, and how they can obscure complex socio-economic struggles and relations of planetary health.

Dissertation project: Who Speaks for the Planetary? A Critical Analysis of Planetary Health Representations across Art, Science, and Activism