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Julia Herzberg

Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg

Research Fellow, 2009 - 2013

Julia Herzberg joined the Rachel Carson Center in 2009. She is working on an environmental history of “Frost” in Russia (eighteenth – twentieth century) that scrutinizes various social and cultural aspects of Russia’s harsh climate. She studied history, Russian, and German in Cologne, Volgograd, Moscow, and Bielefeld, receiving her Staatsexamen in 2005. Her research focuses on the social and cultural history of late imperial Russia. She has published on the history of autobiography, religion, archival history, and historiography. In 2011, she completed her PhD (Bielefeld University), which focused on autobiographical texts of peasants in Tsarist Russia for which she has received a DFG Doctoral Grant, a DAAD Research Grant, and a grant from the FAZIT Foundation. Julia is now Professor of Eastern and Central European History at the LMU.

Current Research Project: Frost: The Cold as a Cultural Challenge in Russia (pdf, 17 KB).

Selected Publications

  • (with Christoph Schmidt.) Vom Wir zum Ich. Individuum und Autobiographik im Zarenreich. Köln: Böhlau, 2007.
  • (with Anne Barnert and Christine Hikel) Special issue „archive vergessen“ for WerkstattGeschichte 52 (2009).
  • ''Onkel Vanjas Hütte. Erzählte Leibeigenschaft in der bäuerlichen Autobiografik des Zarenreichs.'' Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 58 (2010), I. 1: 24-51.
  • ''Verwahrt und vergessen. Die Archivierung bäuerlichen Schreibens als Verlust.'' WerkstattGeschichte 52 (2009): 7-22.
  • ''Autobiographik als historische Quelle in ‚Ost’ und ‚West’.'' In Vom Wir zum Ich. Individuum und Autobiographik im Zarenreich, edited by Julia Herzberg and Christoph Schmidt, . Köln: Böhlau, 2007, 15-62.


Full Publications (pdf, 40 KB)