Samoan Environmental Story for Children Translated by Eliza Encheva-Schorch
RCC alumna and former member of the Environment & Society Portal team Eliza Encheva-Schorch (IndiGen) has translated the Samoan environmental story for children “Seu and the Ruffled Bird Catcher,” written by Galumanemana Steven Percival, into German with illustrations by Kate Delaney.
Here is a short description of the book provided by Creative Samoa:
“‘Lafulafu a tama seugogo’ is an old Samoan proverb that teaches the importance of not judging another person by his or her appearance alone. For Seu, a blind girl facing discrimination at school, the proverb is inspirational. When told she cannot enter a short story competition because she is blind, Seu’s grandfather tells her the extraordinary tale of a moss-ridden bird catcher, her ancestor, who turns out to be much more than he first appears.
Seu, too, has more to offer than the people of her village expect. With new-found confidence and the help of her albino cousin, a lonely boy who lives in the forest, she devises a clever plan to enter the competition.”
Part one of the story can now be read in full online. Since the beginning of February, part two is also online and accessable here. The third and last part of the story will be published in March 2024.