Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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RCC Society of Fellows Awards 2020

Fellowships and Grants


We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Society of Fellows Awards 2020!

The Society of Fellows offers its members several different funding opportunities in order to support their development beyond the RCC via new projects, collaborations, and public outreach activities. You can find out more about the different fellowships and grants here.

The Recipents:

Society of Fellows Fellowships
Carmel Finley (Oregon State University, USA) on ''How Science Failed Fish and what We Can Do About It''

Nicole Seymour (California State University, Fullerton, USA) on ''Glitter: A Cultural Case Study''

Collaborative Project Grant
John Agbonifo (Osun State University, Nigeria) and the African Network of Environmental Humanities - ''Pathway to Africa's Future under Changing Climate: The Role of Environmental Humanities in Sustainable Development''

Public Outreach Grant
Dominic Hinde (Queen Margaret University, Scotland) and Gerald Taylor Aiken (Luxembourg Institute for Socio-Economic Research) - ''RCC at the COP: A Public Impact Exhibition''

Jessica Lee (Independent Scholar and Writer) - ''Nature Writing in Translation''

Jenny Price (Washington University, USA) - ''Instragram Videos to Accompany Stop Saving the Planet!''