Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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January 2021 Fellows and Researchers-in-Residence

13 scholars selected


The RCC is pleased to announce that the following scholars will be joining us in winter 2021 as Carson fellows and researchers-in-residence. We plan to select more fellows and researchers-in-residence later in the year; these scholars will join us in May 2021 or September 2021.

Carson Fellows:

  • Marcela Cely-Santos (Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, Colombia) on ″Inclusive Vitality: Human-Bee Journeys in the Tropical Countryside″
  • Rosemary-Claire Collard (Simon Fraser University, Canada) on ″The Caribou Paradox: A Political Economy of Extinction″
  • Alfonso Donoso (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) on ″A Political Morality of Species Extinction and Intergenerational Interspecies Justice″
  • Robyn Eckersley (University of Melbourne, Australia) on ″Climate Emergency and the Futures of Democracy″
  • Shawn Miller (Brigham Young University, USA) on ″Panamericana: Natural Obstacles and Environmental Impacts along the Long, Unfinished Pan-American Highway″
  • Lauren Oakes (Wildlife Conservation Society / Stanford University, USA) on ″Where Trees Meet Tomorrow: Fending for Forests and the Promise of Future Life″
  • William San Martin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) on ″Unequal Nitrogen Futures: Linking Nitrogen Forms, Epistemologies, and Ontologies in Sustainable Development Science and Policy″
  • Kirk Sides (University of Bristol, UK) on ″African Anthropocene: The Ecological Imagination in African Literatures″
  • Tamara Ticktin (University of Hawaii) on ″Envisioning Our Future: Biocultural Pathways to a Restorative Planet″


  • Charlotte Bruckermann (University of Bergen, Norway) on ″Carbon Futures: Creating Chinese Ecological Civilization″
  • Sarah Daw (University of Bristol, UK) on ″Imaging the (Eco)Future: Ecotopian Thought in an Age of Climate Breakdown″
  • Agnese Marino (University College London, UK) on ″Re-thinking Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores: An Ethnographic Account from the Northwest of Spain″
  • Tracie Wilson (Martin Luther University, Germany) on ″Once Absent, Now Returned: Narratives of Endangerment and the Reemergence of Charismatic Predators across Polish-German Boundaries″